Meet Your Farmer

My name is Liz. I am a Southeastern Indiana Native, but spent the better part of my 20’s away. First in Bloomington as a student, then in Northwest Colorado as a mule packer and horseback guide.

               I moved back from Colorado to take a job on my family’s farm raising Red Angus cattle. It was my Mom and I working on the farm and it was baptism by fire, we were new to raising cattle. and honestly, we still are; I learn something new everyday.

back home from Colorado, I wanted to transition my families cattle operation to 100% Grassfed. I wanted to get rid of the pesticides and poisons and vaccines and all of the rest of it. I attended seminars, read everything I could find about regenerative agriculture and got some mentors and lifelong friends when I decided to let our cattle be cattle. When we took the leap into management intensive grazing, our cows health improved, They looked happier and They spent more time bucking and kicking and playing. I grew to love our little herd of red cows and came to dislike sending them into the horro that is conventional agriculture.   So we started Blue Creek Farm Grassfed Beef. I want you to get to know where your food comes from. I want to build community with you and I want to make the world a better place, one burger at a time.


Meet Your Farmer


The Calf Saver